
Inventory Rules

Hello, I’m David. Thank you for visiting Creating a Better Version of Tomorrow!

Here at Creating a Better Version, we create solutions. We develop solutions for Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Business Professionals. Solutions designed to maximize your profitability.

Did you know:

  • 1 out of 5 start-ups will not see the 2nd year.
  • By year five, 1 out of 2 start-ups will have stopped operations.
  • By the end of year 10, 2 out of 3 start-ups will fail.

The number of start-ups is not decreasing, despite the failure rates. In 2012, there were 2.58 million new business start-ups. Each year increases from the previous year. In 2021, there were 5.38 million new business start-ups. As a result of the pandemic, business start-ups increased by over 20.0% in 2020 and 2021.

The reasons vary from survey to survey, but here are the top 6 reasons for failure:

  1. Money ran out. Sales were slow to mature, and expenses were more than expected.
  2. Too much Inventory that did not sell.
  3. Lack of research.
  4. Partnership mismatch.
  5. The wrong Targeted Audience.
  6. Inadequate Knowledge.

Our goal is simple. To help you increase your profitability in your company. You have different options to increase profitability.

Sales increases can take different forms. Your Sales Increases could be from:

  • More Tickets.
  • Increase Average Ticket.
  • Cross-Sell.
  • Up-Sell.
  • Referrals.

Expenses can be a game of their own. How so? Negotiate shorter terms to receive an extra discount or extend the time of payment.

Experience Unveiled: I worked with a client on Credit Card Fees. Merchant Services were charging 2.7%. I found two competitors that quoted 2.1%. The difference of 0.6% doesn’t sound like much. As a percentage, it is small. The 0.6% savings equals $6 for every $1,000 worth of charges. The annual net credit card charges were $3.5MM, and the savings was $21K. I do not know about you, but $21K extra to my bottom line is a good problem. What is the problem? The company had to pay more taxes. What an excellent problem to have!

Higher Sales and Lower Expenses are clear solutions. Other solutions, such as maximizing Inventory and increasing workflow efficiencies, are two viable solutions.

Excuse me, David, what is maximizing Inventory? Great question. Have you ever lost sales because you did not have a product in inventory? Have you ever rescheduled a production run? Was it rescheduled because a specific raw material was unavailable? Not having the right product at the right time is frustrating. Frustrating and Costly. There are several solutions to this problem.

Do you produce a product for commercial or consumer use? If yes, have you ever had a waste factor of 20% more than what it should be? Furthermore, the Ops Manager at the Manufacturing facility could not answer why? Waste at any level is horrible!

Let’s work together. We want to help you Create a Better Version of Tomorrow for you! Fill in the form below, and we can proceed.

There are disadvantages when working with me. Below are issues you may experience:

  • You are reducing “Out of Stock” with your Inventory results in more Sales and Happier Customers.
  • You are reducing your payables to your Suppliers because you do not have to over-purchase to satisfy your needs.
  • Pay more taxes. With more Sales and better-managed Inventory, your Taxable Income will be more, resulting in you paying more taxes.

If these issues are not a problem, let’s take the next step to work together.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to working with you.